Photo by Christopher Bedford/The Federalist.A new billboard campaign popping up in western Colorado attacking Lauren Boebert is orchestrated by an Antifa sympathizer, FEC records show.People have asked me why we are holding these 'worship tour guide and reenactor screamed at by a radical hoping for a riot. The spirit of slavery and barbarism, which still lingers to blight and destroy in some dark and distant parts of our country, would have made our assembling here the signal and excuse for opening upon us all the flood gates of wrath and violence. The protest, planned Tuesday, hoped to tear the monument of Abraham Lincoln with one hand on the Emancipation Proclamation freeing a slave, modeled by freedman Archer Alexander. Follow him on “These people are talking just because we have to respect our seniors,” a teenage, freckled white girl complained to her friends, “which is disgusting.”The rally began slow, upsetting gathered bicycle Antifa supporters in masks and football helmets with their “centrist liberal bullshit,” but quickly broke into yelling when Don Folden, owner of Capital Buddy Tours took the microphone in his uniform. By 8:30 p.m., the crowd had disbursed, marching toward the Capitol, and the Emancipation Memorial stood another day.Former Army Ranger sniper Ryan Cleckner, Carlson’s guest for the segment, said Democratic mega-donor George Soros and Democratic officials created the circumstances for a Minneapolis crime wave to bloom.Joe Biden exercised incredibly poor judgement, placing Elderly freed slave reenactors argue with protesters and radicals.Freedom Neighborhood founder Glenn Foster calls to tear the statue down after a series of more moderate liberal speeches on compromise.Christopher Bedford is a senior editor at The Federalist, the vice chairman of Young Americans for Freedom, a board member at the National Journalism Center, and the author of The Art of the Donald. Copyright © 2020 The Federalist, a wholly independent division of FDRLST Media, All Rights Reserved.Watch: Joe Biden Refuses To Call China An OpponentAs the sun started to set, the crowd grew more agitated while also thinning, with radicals repeatedly trying to set off confrontation.Tucker Carlson Blames George Soros, Democrats For Enabling Rising Violence In CitiesPhoto Reenactors gather to speak. Tension in the usually busy community park had been building since then, broken by short moments of music and happy protest.Leaked 2016 Call Reveals Joe Biden Risked National Security To Sabotage TrumpJoe Biden is not the first person in his family to atte Black Lives Matters activists tried to chant them down, reenactors dressed as freed slaves of Capitol Hill and Frederick Douglass gave an abridged version of the dedication speech. On April 14, 1876, Frederick Douglass arrived at the unveiling ceremony for the Emancipation Memorial, the statue now under attack by some protesters in … Photo by Christopher Bedford/The Federalist.A Frederick Douglass reenactor speaks to the protest in character.Photo Radicals distribute masks for pepper spray. “Frederick Douglass has a lot to do with this statue; he was there for the unveiling of the statue and the dedication, and he spoke that day, he was the … He talks to them. Photo by Christopher Bedford/The Federalist.Black Community Elders Shutdown And Shame Anti-Statue ProtestPhoto A Frederick Douglas reenactor speaking to the protesters in character. Let it be known everywhere … [that] we, the colored people, newly emancipated and rejoicing in our blood-bought freedom, near the close of the first century in the life of this Republic, have now and here unveiled, set apart, and dedicated a monument of enduring granite and bronze, in every line, feature, and figure of which the men of this generation may read, and those of after-coming generations may read, something of the exalted character and great works of Abraham Lincoln, the first martyr President of the United States.The memorial is rich with meaning and shouts the message of freedom.Standing in the D.C. plaza surrounded by prestigious members of the U.S. Congress, members of the U.S. Supreme Court, and President Ulysses S. Grant, Douglass delivered a stirring address in celebration of the what later became known as the Emancipation Memorial.And to those who are so confused to believe the statue — which depicts Lincoln standing with his arm outstretched as a freed slave on one knee lifts his head up — depicts servitude, look again.vowing to destroy and tear down that very memorialOn Tuesday, a group of angry protesters gathered around a statue the great abolitionist — himself a formerly enslaved man — It would certainly grieve Douglass today to see the group of progressive protesters Facebook Censors Conservative Ads, Even Though Fact Checkers Admit They Could Be TrueI refer to the past not in malice, for this is no day for malice; but simply to place more distinctly in front the gratifying and glorious change which has come both to our white fellow citizens and ourselves, and to congratulate all upon the contrast between now and then; the new dispensation of freedom with its thousand blessings to both races, and the old dispensation of slavery with its ten thousand evils to both races — white and black. Photo by Christopher Bedford/The Federalist.MOSINEE, Wis. — Unlike career politicians pandering to the radical left, Trump doesn’t talk at his supporters.
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