Must be able to listen even when mad; Must have a sense of humor; must not make students feel bad about themselves; must be fair and not treat some students better than others; must know how to make schoolwork interesting; must keep some students from picking on others; must take a break sometimes; must not jump to conclusions; must let students know them; must get to know students; must encourage students when they have a hard time; must tell students if they do a good job or try real hard; must not scream; must not call home unless it is real important; must smile; must help students with their problems if they ask; must not talk about students to other people; if it’s a lady must be good looking.” Eighth and ninth grade students, from the introduction to Kathleen Cushman’s, Fire in the bathroom, by Lisa Delpit. I thought back to my own high school experience and my own interactions with kids on medications as a special education teacher. “Good teachers possess a capacity for connectedness. Howard Garner in his book The Unschooled Mind states discusses some of this basic history of progressivism. Collectibles. This is an area most education classes forget. Survival is not mandatory.” W. Edwards Deming. “Only that day dawns to which we are awake” Henry David Thoreau. So often I find a quote or thought from this man who found his place in the darkest portion of Africa in the 1930’s to be a physician giving up a lucrative career in Europe as a musician and or doctor. So here I am sitting at my computer pondering in the stillness of a Sunday morning, we all need ego stroking at one time or another. “Man does not weave this web of life. It was time for progressive thought to get away from the assembly line processes of traditional education. A good friend who graduated nearly fifteen years ago had taken the science test four times and failed by a total of eight points and had not graduated. Maybe it is time to look back to Dewey. Eisner drew often from Dewey’s idea on needing context and relevance for learning to be genuine and to be lasting. In his column published Friday, taken from his latest book, Harris spoke out against the death penalty. It has been an interesting week already. 4 • The teacher serves as facilitator and collaborator. Coincidently my friend who was involved in the discussion had retrieved from the discard book cart some old Foxfire books. What happens when teachers leave Foxfire that it is not continued? All teachers should listen to it. Growing up at the edge of the wilderness along the Kalahari Desert he was raised by a Bushmen nanny and later named as the first non-royal Godfather, in history to Prince William of England. I went in the internet, to borrow from the Foxfire website the following: “In the Foxfire Approach, learning environments are characterized by student involvement and action, by thoughtful reflection and rigorous assessment, by imagination and problem solving, by applications beyond the classroom for what is learned, and by meaningful connections to the community. If you choose to look only for red tailed hawks, it would be miles and even hours between birds. “Friendship is the source of the greatest pleasures, and without friends even the most agreeable pursuits become tedious.” St. Thomas Aquinas. Reply. “I believe that our own experience instructs us that the secret of education lies in         respecting the pupil. “Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another.” John Dewey. “I have come to believe that a great teacher is a great artist and that there are as few as there are any other great artists. “The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.” Albert Einstein. I was standing on the porch listening to the night, almost silent. After Sunday school, the visitor went into the sanctuary and sat down. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Mahatma Gandhi. Thomas Barone is concerned as are many other progressive educators with the linear format of traditional education. Why is it hard to think about compassion? I just moved rooms for the fifth time and my Core practice poster has followed me. Imagination …works with the qualities we have experienced. Offers. Bird Droppings September 20, 2018 “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein. Open that to all animals and now every few seconds and you are looking for details in the road side and trees and grass. All Categories. Kid's. His topics included child rearing, inconsiderate drivers and the superficial basis on which Americans choose their presidential candidates, and in almost every instance, Mr. Harris made room for a moral based on his liberal, humanist point of view. Look for the learning.” Eric Allemburgh. Last night I stood in the dark a bit longer than I usually do even with graduate studies and writing as well as my own college and high school lessons to prepare for when I took the dog out. I have said often I generally write lesson plans after the fact. Here is where we are going and now how do we get there? Merton was allowed a certain freedom in his views often not permitted within the Catholic Church. Far too often we consider success to be accumulation of wealth. Russell, from Gods Calling. When we show a bit of light to a student they turn just as the plant will slowly turn to face the light in many ways that person will as well. Something we learn perhaps as we experience and live life. I have borrowed extensively from Carl Rogers, Alfie Kohn, Robert Fried, Maxine Greene, Parker Palmer, Peter Drucker, Phillip Crosby, my father, Carl Jung, Ivan Illich, and numerous other authors, thinkers, teachers and philosophers. I went back out another time a bit later into the morning and by now all the clouds were nearly gone and stars permeating the entire sky.
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